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Dear Parents/carers

As you will be aware the R rate in the South West is growing (currently between 1.1 and 1.3) and the infection rate is subsequently increasing by 1%-4% per day.  As mentioned in my last communication we have not yet had a positive case in the student population, but it is only a matter of time.  In the event of a positive case I will work with Public Health to ensure all guidance is being followed appropriately, which may include sending a class or year group home to self-isolate.  In this event we are prepared and will be ready to deliver the curriculum via a blended learning approach, which includes recorded lessons, set work on google classroom and some live teaching on Microsoft Office Teams.  The form below will help us to identify any pupils who should not be included in live teaching, based on permission. Please spend a few seconds completing this form to enable us to act swiftly if we have to close classes or year groups in the coming weeks.

Permission Form.

Many thanks

Mr Chris Wade


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