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You may be aware that all schools in England were written to this week by the Department for Education advising them to use the last day of term (18th December) as an additional INSET day.  The reason they have suggested this is to allow school staff to be available for 6 days from the end of term to support with any track and trace requirements. Closing on the 17th would bring this 6-day window to 23rd December.  As an academy we have followed the government guidance closely since the very beginning of the pandemic and feel that this has helped us to remain fully open.  We are also permitted, as an academy, to insert additional INSET days to the calendar without reducing the already planned training days.

Therefore, in following the government guidance, the school term will end on 17th December, with the 18th being an INSET day. 

As the last day of term will be Thursday 17th December, we will be inviting pupils and staff to wear Christmas jumpers for the day and to make a voluntary contribution of £1 to raise money for Save the Children. 

Pupils will be returning to school on Tuesday 5th January.

May I take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support and wish you all the best Christmas and New Year possible under the current circumstances.  

Best wishes
Mr Chris Wade

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