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SEN Information Report

The Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO) is Mrs Fran Horsford and she can be contacted via the Academy on 01458 250501 or via her email address

The kinds of SEN that are provided for

Huish Episcopi Academy is a mainstream academy for students aged 11-16 yrs, with Huish Sixth taking students aged 16-19yrs.  We support students with a range of special educational needs for example Dyslexia, Developmental Co-ordination Disorder, Autism, ADHD, Visual Impairment, Hearing Impairment, Language Difficulties, Mental Health Difficulties and Physical Difficulties. 

Policies for identifying children and young people with SEN and assessing their needs

Information is requested from a child’s previous school, and parents will be offered the opportunity to share their knowledge and views of their child’s SEND via the Additional Needs Transition Form for Parent Carers

Recent assessment data is received from previous school and analysed for areas of need

Any member of Academy staff may raise concern to the SENCO.  For example, this may be a non-teaching member of staff who has observed concerning behaviours, a teaching assistant offering feedback from concerns raised in the classroom, or teaching staff when sufficient progress is not being made.

If a parent feels their child may have special educational needs that have not been previously identified, then they should contact the school and ask to speak to their child's tutor and teacher to identify where any difficulties may be arising in school and to ascertain whether teachers working with the young person can identify any learning difficulties through initial assessment.

Students may self-refer to their form tutor, teaching staff, Head of House or the learning support team if they have concerns about possible SEND.

All students’ attainment and achievements are monitored by their teachers who are required to provide high quality teaching and learning opportunities scaffolded for individual students.

Where a student is making less than expected progress or falls behind their peers, additional support will be provided under the guidance of the class teacher. Expected progress could:

• Be similar to that of peers;

• Match or better the students’ previous rate of progress;

• Close the attainment gap between the pupil and their peers;

• Prevent the attainment gap growing wider.

If there are identified needs that can be predominantly met by the class teachers, we record the students at being at Universal Support.  This is a stage we use at Huish Episcopi Academy to ensure staff are kept informed of all learning differences and can therefore differentiate and support appropriately.  The students can access the relevant interventions and resources that are appropriate to their needs and available for all.

Where students continue to make less than expected progress despite support and high quality teaching, staff will work with the academy’s SENCO to assess if a student has a significant learning difficulty and agree appropriate support. In some cases it may be necessary to seek assessment by or advice from an external professional such as a specialist teacher or educational psychologist. This will always involve discussion and agreement with the student’s parents/carers.

When considering whether a student has a special educational need any of the following may be evident:

• Makes little or no progress even when teaching approaches are targeted particularly in a student’s identified area of weakness;

• Persistent social, emotional and mental health difficulties which are not improved by appropriate strategies;

• Has sensory or physical problems and continues to make little or no progress despite the provision of specialist equipment;

• Has communication and /or interaction difficulties and continues to make little or no progress despite the provision of an appropriate differentiated curriculum.

• Has SEND or physical needs that require additional specialist equipment or regular advice or visits by a specialist service;


Arrangements for assessing and reviewing children and young people’s progress towards outcomes. This should include the opportunities available to work with parents and young people as part of this assessment and review

Assess, Plan, Do and Review

Where a student is identified as having SEND, we will take action to support effective learning by removing barriers to learning and put effective special educational provision in place. This SEN Support will take the form of a four-part cycle through which earlier decisions and actions are revisited, refined and revised with a growing understanding of the students’ needs and of what supports the student in making good progress and securing good outcomes. This is known as the graduated approach – assess, plan, do, review.  Meetings with parents and usually students will occur three times a year, incorporating the scheduled Parents’ Evenings within this cycle.


Evaluating the effectiveness of the provision made for children and young people with SEN  -

We use data and Provision Mapping to evaluate the provisions in place for students with special educational needs.


The approach to teaching children and young people with SEN

All teachers are responsible and accountable for the progress of all students in their classes, including those with SEND.  Teachers will have high aspirations for all students they are responsible for, and will personalise the learning experience to ensure all students’ needs are met.  When necessary, teachers will raise concerns to their Curriculum Leader, the relevant Head of House, Inclusion Manager or the SENCO/ Learning Support Department, if further advice is needed to support students’ progress.

Teaching Assistants may be present in your child’s lessons, and they will be directed by the class teacher, to support your child’s learning.

The SENCO will ensure that all necessary members of staff are aware of your child’s individual needs and what specific adjustments are needed to enable them to be included and make progress.  If your child is still not making expected progress, the SENCO will discuss with parent carers the possibility of arranging additional interventions, or referring to specialist professionals from outside agencies.

The majority of students’ needs can be met by good classroom teaching, to include the necessary scaffolding to overcome any barriers to learning.

The decision regarding additional support is informed by progress data, information received from previous school, and through discussion with teachers, students and parent carers

The Academy budget, received from the Education Funding Agency, includes money for supporting students with SEND.  The Principal, in consultation with the Directors, decides on the SEN budget on the basis of the needs of the students currently in the Academy

Top-up SEN funding for students with severe and complex needs is allocated via the Education Health and Care Plan process.


How adaptations are made to the curriculum and the learning environment of children and young people with SEN

Huish Episcopi Academy aims to ensure the fullest possible access to the curriculum for students with special educational needs and/or disability.

The provision is reviewed every year to ensure it addresses the needs of current students.

Ongoing assessment is acted on to ensure that students are working within the correct set to meet their needs, where setting is used.

At Key Stage 3 the majority of students follow the full school curriculum, with a very small minority following a personalised intervention programme.

At Key Stage 4, Vocational learning is offered alongside GCSEs, and Study Support can be offered as an option choice, to allow for further intervention/support for students with severe and complex needs.


Support for improving emotional and social development. This should include extra pastoral support arrangements for listening to the views of children and young people with SEN and measures to prevent bullying

It is the responsibility of all staff to ensure they are encouraging good social, emotional and mental health well-being, and to raise concerns when appropriate.

Our SENCo also line manages the Deputy SENCo and Student Support Team.  Included within the Student Support Team are a Student Support Worker, Academy Counsellor, Attendance Officer and a Parent and Family Support Advisor.  Members of the Student Support Team are available to offer additional social and emotional support.

The students with severe and complex SEN have a keyworker who will regularly liaise with them and their parents to ensure they feel listened to and supported.

The Learning Support Department and Inclusion Manager can offer additional support to include social skills programmes and break/lunchtime support.

Students with significant health conditions will be given a Health Care Plan outlining arrangements including administration of medications, what to do in an emergency and advice for staff.  The Health Care plan will be written in consultation with parents and other health professionals/Academy staff as necessary.


How children and young people with SEN are enabled to engage in activities available with children and young people in the school who do not have SEN

We strive to ensure all clubs, activities and trips are available to all students. When concerns are raised all reasonable adjustments are considered to try and ensure full participation by all students.


The expertise and training of staff to support children and young people with SEN, including how specialist expertise will be secured -  

All teaching assistants will support students with a range of difficulties and be expected to have an understanding of each student’s needs. 

At times it may be necessary to consult or refer to outside agencies to receive their more specialised expertise.  This would only occur with parent carer permission.

SEND training is incorporated into the whole school training programme including sessions during INSET days, twilight, after school meetings and early morning Raising Achievement Meetings

SEND training is included in the Induction Programme for new staff and Early Careers Teachers.

The Learning Support Department have a weekly department meeting which includes training by SENCO and/or specialist professionals and sharing of best practice

Individual advice and training regarding specific students is given to SENCO/Teaching Assistants by professionals from outside agencies and this is cascaded to the relevant staff

Individual teachers and support staff attend training courses run by outside agencies e.g. Moving and Handling, Autism Awareness, Individual Literacy Interventions, Awareness of Medical Needs.


Arrangements for consulting parents of children with SEN and involving them in their child’s education 

Parents of students at SEN Support stage of the Code of Practice will be invited into the Academy to meet with the SENCO three times a year, incorporating the scheduled Parents’ Evenings within this cycle.  Parent Carers opinions are considered very important with respect to decisions regarding provision and assessment, and will always be listened to.

The SENCO will also liaise with parents regarding any urgent issues outside the planned meetings.


Arrangements for consulting young people with SEN and involving them in their education  -

Students with severe and complex Special Educational Needs are consulted on how they prefer to be supported and this information is recorded on their One-Page Profile. 


Arrangements for handling complaints from parents of children with SEN about the provision made at the school

If parents have concerns about the special educational provision in place for their child they should contact the SENCO (Mrs F Horsford) in the first instance.   If parents are not satisfied with the outcome following this contact then they can follow the advice in the Complaints Policy available in the policies section of the website.


How the school involves other bodies, including health and social care bodies, local authority support services and voluntary sector organisations, in meeting children and young people’s SEN and supporting their families

The Academy SENCO can complete referral forms, with the permission and guidance of parents, to access many different agencies.  It may be necessary to complete an Early Help Assessment as part of the referral process.

Examples of the agencies/professionals accessed by the Academy include:

  1. Educational Psychology Team
  2. Learning Support Advisory Team
  3. Language, Communication and Autism Team
  4. CAOT (Children with Autism Outreach Team)
  5. Ethnic Minorities Team (including Traveller Education and English as an Additional Language)
  6. Sensory Physical and Occupational Therapy Team
  7. Physiotherapy
  8. CAMHS (Children and Adolescence Mental Health Services)
  9. Childrens’ Social Care
  10. Speech and Language Therapy
  11. Paediatrician


Arrangements for supporting children and young people in moving between phases of education and in preparing for adulthood. As young people prepare for adulthood outcomes should reflect their ambitions, which could include higher education, employment, independent living and participation in society -

The Academy holds an Open Evening each year in September, followed by evening Yr 6 Treasure Hunts in the following Spring

Vulnerable and/or SEN students will be offered further visits to meet key staff and become familiar with their surroundings

Students transferring from Primary schools where only a couple of students will be transferring will be offered an additional visit to meet other students in a similar situation

Yr 6 Transition Day occurs each year at the beginning of July

Ms Robinson will visit all feeder schools, and SENCO will visit where necessary

Parent carers will be offered the opportunity to complete the Additional Needs Transition Form to express their views on their needs and support

An Options Information Evening is held prior to Yr 9 students completing their Key Stage 4 Option Form

Careers Interviews are offered to all students in Key Stage 4, and will start in Key Stage 3 for those with an Education, Health and Care Plan

The SENCO and Inclusion Manager work closely with students, parents and external providers to ensure a smooth transition to Post 16 Provisions.

If Parents required further additional advice they can contact Somerset SENDIAS

Somerset SENDIAS (Special Educational Needs and Disability Information, Advice and Support) provides information, advice and support about Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEN&D) for parent carers, children and young people up to the age of 25, including Independent Support to help through the Education, Health and Care (EHC) Assessment and Plan process.

Somerset SENDIAS is an information, advice and support service for:

  • parent carers of disabled children and those with SEN;
  • disabled children and those with SEN;
  • disabled young people and those with SEN.

The service is:

  • free
  • confidential
  • impartial

Somerset SENDIAS offers:

  • information and guidance relating to special educational needs and disability law through the Somerset SENDIAS website and range of leaflets
  • a telephone enquiry line and email support
  • individual support to help with matters relating to SEND
  • an Independent Supporter to help with the Education, Health and Care (EHC) Assessment and Planning process, including Personal Budgets and Direct Payments
  • help with accessing mediation and SEND tribunals
  • support to SEND groups across Somerset
  • information on the Local Offer
  • signposting to other services

You can contact SENDIAS on 01823 355578 or email , or look at their website

Somerset’s Local offer is published at

Children and young people who are looked after by the local authority and have SEN can receive further additional support from Somerset’s Virtual School for Looked After Children.


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