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To apply to Huish Sixth please visit the Sixth Form page 

New Prospectus coming soon!

Huish Academy is a very popular school attracting students from a very large catchment area. We are consistently oversubscribed and demand for places is high. However, we are always happy to welcome prospective students and parents to tour the academy with our Principal Mrs Boyes or a member of the Senior Leadership Team.

Please feel free to contact us and arrange a tour and experience why we believe Huish is a very special place to learn.

Huish Episcopi Academy catchment area map

You can view an interactive map of Somerset which shows catchment areas for all schools at

If you have any questions and for further information please contact  the main Academy number 01458 250501 or email

Information for new starters can also be found on our website at the following link: 

For more information on how best to ensure your child is ready for secondary school, please click here.


Admission Arrangements for Transfer to Years 7 and 12 in September 2023 or joining a year group during 2023/24 academic year.

These Admission Arrangements have been carefully developed to ensure that parents and students have all the necessary information required in order to apply for a place at either Huish Episcopi Academy or Huish Sixth.

The full Admissions Policy 2023-24 is available to download or a paper copy can be requested from the Academy office.

The first round of applications for transfer to Year 7 in September 2023 should be made to Somerset County Council by midnight on 31 October 2022. Outcomes will be sent out on 1 March 2023 (or the next working day). The closing date for the second round is 21 March 2023 with outcomes sent out on the 3 May 2023. Further details and application forms can be found at

If your application is unsuccessful details of how to appeal the decision will be enclosed in the decision letter. You can download the appeals timetable here.


Mrs Robinson (Primary school Transition/Head of Year 7) and Mr Madge (Assistant Principal / Key Stage 3 Achievement and progress) spend time throughout the year visiting primary schools, meeting staff and getting to know the students well before they transfer to Huish Episcopi Academy.

Mrs Horsford our SENCO will also be in contact with primary schools to ensure the needs of the students are continued here at the Academy.

The primary students visit Huish Episcopi Academy on several occasions before transfer. They may come into the Academy for a treasure hunt; use the swimming pool, sports hall or gym; attend lessons and enrichment courses; take part in sports tournaments or galas and for an induction day.


To apply for a place within the 2022/2023 academic year please complete an application form. 

Application form (editable version)

Application form (printable version)

Application forms can be submitted via email or by post to the Academy Office on the contact details below. Decisions will be made within 10 school days of an application being submitted. Please read the 2022/2023 admissions policy  for full details of the application process. Acceleration and retention forms are also available on request.

The admissions limits for each current year group are as follows:

  • Year 7   - 268
  • Year 8   - 268
  • Year 9   - 268
  • Year 10  - 252
  • Year 11   - 252
  • Year 12  - 125
  • Year 13  - 125

 If your application is unsuccessful details of how to appeal the decision will be enclosed in the decision letter.


If your child has not been offered a place at Huish you have the legal right to appeal against the decision. Details of the appeal process, timetable and an appeal form will be enclosed with your decision letter which also gives the reasons for refusal.

We currently employ the services of Somerset County Council to process appeals and hold Independent Appeal Panels on our behalf.

Appeals for In-Year admissions will be held within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged. Somerset County Council will send out confirmation on receipt of an appeal form. Although you will be sent an appeals form you can also download a copy:

Appeals form

A guide for parents on making appeals and the appeals procedure from Somerset County Council 



We will be holding our open evening in September which is a great opportunity for prospective parents and pupils to come and have a look at the academy and see what we can offer. You can talk to staff, pupils and our leadership team. As well as useful information for parents’ pupils can get involved in many hands on experiments and interactive lessons. Please check back in the summer for the dates.


For more information on New Starter Information, please click here.



Admission Arrangements for Transfer to Years 7 and 12 in September 2024 or joining a year group during 2024/25 academic year.

These Admission Arrangements have been carefully developed to ensure that parents and students have all the necessary information required in order to apply for a place at either Huish Episcopi Academy or Huish Sixth.

The full Admissions Policy 2024-25 is available to download or a paper copy can be requested from the Academy office.

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